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Week 20 :Welcome Back!

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Dear 2A Families,

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a beautiful holiday break. We are ready to hop back into our routines, and are very excited to back into the classroom. :) 

"Smart" is a lovely poem by Shel Silverstein. Second grade scholars will work hard at memorizing the entire poem over the course of the next five weeks. However, slow and steady wins the race! We will be focusing on one stanza each week. This week we memorize stanza one.

We begin Little House in the Big Woods. If you haven't already, please send in your child's copy. Scholars will be creating a lap-book as they study this literary classic. It will be a record of the reading activities they complete as they work to build their vocabulary and comprehension. Scholars will be reading the first chapter this week.

We have 30 spelling words this week. Please see the breakdown below.
Monday: need, thus, woman, women, young, fair, fare, dollar, evening, plan
Tuesday: broke, feel, sure, sugar, least, sorry, press, God, god, teacher
Wednesday: November, subject, April, history, study, himself, matter, use, thought, person
Thursday: need-person

Scholars add two more jingles to their repertoire this week as they learn about prepositions and objects of prepositions. We learn to classify prepositions and objects of prepositions in sentences.

This week we look at a few exemplary sentences from Little House in the Big Woods. We will continue to work on our copywork and dictation skills with these sentences. Then, we will summarize passages from our reading.

This week we are starting our next unit, the Human Body! We will first learn about 6 of our important body systems: muscular, skeletal, circulatory, digestive, nervous, and excretory. Ask your child to tell you want each of them does for us. Next, we will discuss the life and significant contributions of scientist Anton van Leeuwenhoek. He discovered bacteria. How can bacteria be harmful? How can we protect ourselves from getting sick?

This week we are wrapping up the Greece unit with a party on Friday! But before we get to that, we are starting our first American History unit. Students will participate in a broad review of early American history that includes a summary of the establishment of the original thirteen colonies and the events leading up to the American Revolutionary War. Your child will also explain the difficulties and challenges that the Americans faced at the end of the American Revolutionary War.

Welcome back! We are jumpstarting right into Unit 7, focusing on strategies for adding and subtracting more complex problems. Please continue to practice math fluency in these two areas with your child. This can range from XTra Math at home, flashcards, or even a quick math fact quiz in the car! We will not be having math groups on Monday, 1/6 in order to allow our classes to get back into schedules and routines. We will resume math groups the following Monday, 1/13.

With Grateful Hearts,
Mrs. Guevara and Mr. Kiehne


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